Maria E André

Maria E André (Bolivia, 1996) is a Franco-Bolivian textile artist and sculptor. She lives and works in Brussels.

No image at The Constant Now, Antwerpen

n’No images’ is a group show and final presentation of The Constant Now’s coaching program POC POC that links young artists of color with art professionals. The expo is based on a poem by William Waring Cuney that celebrates black beauty and describes how ethnicity and race impact human life.
Curation : Magali Elali

No image at The Constant Now, Antwerpen

n’No images’ is a group show and final presentation of The Constant Now’s coaching program POC POC that links young artists of color with art professionals. The expo is based on a poem by William Waring Cuney that celebrates black beauty and describes how ethnicity and race impact human life.
Curation : Magali Elali